Enter Pin Number 224 to Connect with Crystal!
My license plate reads BCW4BBC (Black
Cock Whore for BIG Black Cock). Lucky for me, nature gave me everything
a BIG black stud looks for in a black cock whore.
My golden hair looks so hot hanging & tickling against your thighs
as I bob my juicy lips up and down on that mammoth dick. It looks even
hotter when it's slick with sweat after being fucked from both ends by
a line of black dicks.
I know how exciting it is to watch those brown fingers sink into my milky
white titty flesh or slap against my firm ripe ivory ass. I know how those
BIG black boys like to sink their dark meat into
the pale pink flesh of my dripping pussy. That hot spongy little cunt
just seems to stretch and stretch to take those bowel busting rods of
steel... & know one shoots the white like the black. Those swinging
black balls hold so much cream you can almost take a shower and a face
shot in one load.
I haven't forgotten you limp dicked, puddin' balled finger fuckers. Just
because your little weenie weasel dick couldn't penetrate hot ice cream,
there's no reason you can't watch. So many of you suffer from Penis Under
Sized Syndrome, otherwise known as PUSSY'S disease.
The symptoms are a stumpy little dick, squishy little balls & an overwhelming
desire to suck cock and hump dick. I have intimate knowledge of this problem
since my husband suffers from this humiliating condition. But we have
the perfect relationiship, he lets me do whatever & whoever I want
& I let him watch. Sometimes I even let him cum... but only sometimes,
even after a week he only has a dribble.
So if the thought of watching a lilly white ass being pounded by a super-sized
schlong makes your pecker perky and your pucker pucker, call Crystal the
black cock whore.
Don't be afraid to ask me about any of your wierd & wonderful fetishes.
There is nothing too dirty, too immoral or too wild for this horny white
bitch. Anything goes with Crystal.
Enter Pin Number 224 to Connect with Crystal!
If I'm not available, please try our dispatch line. Call 1-888-899-1032. There are many girls to choose from and they are open 24/7. |